
Our Activities

Collaborative Dialogue: Advancing Legal Data Ecosystem to Strengthen Criminal Justice System

On August 27, 2024, IJRS, the Directorate of Law and Regulation of Bappenas RI and the Australia Indonesia Partnership for Justice 2 (AIPJ2) held a collaborative dialogue between the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Human Rights (Kemenkopolhukam), and the Central Bureau of Statistics as well as the Indonesian Attorney General’s Office (AGO), the Indonesian Supreme Court, the Indonesian Police, the Directorate General of Corrections, the One Data Indonesia Secretariat and the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK). The collaborative dialogue, titled Advancing Legal Data Ecosystem to Strengthen Criminal Justice System, aims to open initial discussions to create a cohesive and comprehensive national data system, identify challenges and solutions in legal data management and synchronization, and obtain good practice information from ABS to improve data management and integration processes in Indonesia. This dialogue is expected to be the first step to open up opportunities to strengthen the legal and criminal data ecosystem in Indonesia.


Other Activities:

National Criminal Procedure Law Seminar: "The Urgency of Strengthening Justice Access in Criminal Procedure Law in Anticipation of the Implementation of the National Criminal Code
BING_ALG Regional Paralegal Exchange
The Regional Paralegal Exchange event "Spotlight on Paralegals: Empowering Communities, Exchanging Stories, Building Solidarity"
High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships 2024 (HLF MSP 2024)
Capacity Building Training for Advocates on Law Number 12 Year 2022 on Sexual Violence Crimes