
Renewal of Criminal Procedure Law after the Enactment of the Criminal Code 2023


  • Aditya Weriansyah
  • Matheus Nathanael Siagian
  • Aisyah Assyifa
  • Alexander Tanri
  • Arianda Lastiur Paulina
  • Sri B. Praptadina

Year Published :


Book Specifications :

xi + 157 pages, 21 cm


Considering the importance of criminal procedure law reform, IJRS has compiled a research entitled “Criminal Procedure Law Reform after the Enactment of Criminal Code 2023” which specifically focuses on the 1981 Criminal Procedure Code and 2012 Criminal Procedure Code. Several provisions in the Criminal Code 2023 which in this research are identified as requiring alignment with the Criminal Procedure Code 1981 and Criminal Procedure Code 2012, among others:

  1. Arrangement of Requirements for Procedural Law of Minor Crimes Examination;
  2. Form of Judicial Pardon Decision (Judicial Pardon or Rechterlijk Pardon);
  3. Forms of Decision on the Imposition of Measures without the Imposition of Punishment against Persons with Mental and/or Intellectual Disabilities who Commit Crimes;
  4. Provisions on the Content of Court Decisions that Consider the Sentencing Guidelines;
  5. Provisions on Procedures for the Implementation of Criminal Sentences and Measures;
  6. Provisions on Procedures for the Execution of the Authority to Prosecute; and
  7. Provisions on the Procedural Law for the Examination of Crimes against Corporations.

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