
Assistance for Women and Children in Conflict with the Law


Indonesia Judicial Research Society (IJRS) dan Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum & Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia (PBHI)

Arianda Lastiur Paulina
Matheus Nathanael Siagian
Muhammad Rizaldi Warneri
Siti Ismaya
Gina Sabrina
Fatin Yumna
Twina Paramesthi
Holy Rajagukguk

Year Published:


Book Specifications:

17,6 x 25 cm


This book was prepared by IJRS together with PBHI with support from the Asia Foundation, which is used as teaching material for the Training of Trainers “Assisting Women and Children in Conflict with the Law – Prosecutor’s Guidelines No. 1 of 2021” towards Advocate Organizations and Legal Aid Organizations at the end of June 2023.

There are several important issues in this book for legal assistants to know in handling cases of women and children in conflict with the law (PBH and ABH). Starting with building an understanding perspective on gender, then gender-based violence, vulnerable groups and their problems, PBH and ABH rights, PBH and ABH assistance, as well as Prosecutor’s Guidelines No. 1 of 2021 concerning Access to Justice for Women and Children in Handling Criminal Cases.

(This publication only available in Bahasa Indonesia)


Other Module:

Legal Empowerment Guidelines: Capacity Building Of Village Communities By Learning, Using and Socializing The Law To Realize Access To Justice.
Booklet on Discrimination in Indonesia and the Importance of Comprehensive Protection for Victims
Teaching Material on Capacity Building for Advocates Regarding the Law on Sexual Violence Crimes