
Profil Anggota

Gladys Nadya Arianto

Gladys Nadya Arianto


Gladys Nadya is a Criminology graduate from Universitas Indonesia. Aside from acting as a Researcher at IJRS, Gladys is also active at the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas as Consultant for Formulation of Legal Development Index since 2023.

Having interests in issues relating to Gender, Vulnerable Groups, and Access to Justice. She frequently acts as moderator in various events involving stakeholders, including Talkshow Open Government Week 2023 titled “Keterbukaan Pemerintah yang Bermakna bagi Perempuan dan Kelompok Rentan Lainnya dalam Mendorong Akses terhadap Keadilan di Indonesia”.

Currently, Gladys is involved in several IJRS’s programs, both as researcher, Project officer and Program manager, among others: Monitoring and Evaluation of Guideline of the Prosecutor’s Office No. 1 of 2021, PERMA No. 3 of 2017, and PERMA No. 5 of 2019 on Policies Relating to Women and Children Undergoing Legal Issues (partner: AIPJ2 2023-2024); Legal Empowerment Program for Village Residents (Legal Empowerment Funds 2023-2025); and Joint Campaign and Publication of Data Portal (APIJ2 2022-2024).