
Indonesian Access To Justice Index

Proudly present that Indonesian government successfully launched the first Access to Justice Index in Indonesia, probably in Asia as well.

This index has been developed by the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas in collaboration with the consortium which consist of Indonesia Judicial Research Society, Indonesian Legal Roundtable and Indonesia Legal Aid Foundation.

After almost two years, the consortium involved in many consultative meeting with Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Statistic Indonesia, some of experts in global level as well as national level. We also work together with 4 of Civil Society Organization to conduct pre-test survey in 5 provinces of Indonesia (Jakarta, Riau, NTB, Sulteng and West Papua). I would like to say thank you for everyone who support and believe us.

Finally, we can publish the result of Indonesian Access to Justice is 69.6 % – recognizing from 0 – 100 % this score is categorize as adequate. I know that the result is not good enough, there is still many problems in the implementation of access to justice in Indonesia. However, this index could be a tool for determining indicator target for Indonesian goverment and civil society in planning as well as monitoring activities.

By the way, we will publish our publication as soon as possible. So, wait for the further information.

Download Access to Justice Index power point INLU 2019 at here.



Other Activities:

ENG - Drug Policy
Public Dialogue: Drug Policy Reform and the Implementation of Harm Reduction in Indonesia
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Research Dissemination "Impact and Cost Analysis in Drug Crimes: The High Price Behind Handling Narcotics Crimes"