
Our Activities

High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships 2024 (HLF MSP 2024)

The High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships 2024 (HLF MSP 2024) organized by the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas in Bali on September 1-3, 2024 with the theme “Strengthening Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for Development: Towards Transformative Change”. HLF MSP 2024 aims to facilitate dialogue, facilitate collaboration, and accelerate collective action by acting as a midpoint in creating transformative change through a multi-stakeholder approach (such as heads of state/government, international organizations, multilateral development banks, civil society organizations, private sector, philanthropic organizations, academia, and think-tanks).

As part of the HLF-MSP 2024 activities, Indonesia Judicial Research Society (IJRS) had the opportunity to organize 2 (two) side events. In the first side event, IJRS together with Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Justice 2 (AIPJ2) raised the theme of innovative budgeting with the title “Innovative Budgeting for Justice: The Comprehensive Cost of Crime Approach.” In the second side event, IJRS together with the Open Society Foundation (OSF) raised the theme of innovative financing with the title “Innovative Financing to Accelerate SDGs 16 In Indonesia”.

The two side events above are only part of a series of HLF-MSP 2024 activities held for 2 (two) days. This event also involves not only the government, but is also open to civil society, both as participants and as organizers of side events. Hopefully, this event can be a standard and example for future governments to apply the principles of openness of Indonesian government and involve all stakeholders in governance.


Other Activities:

National Criminal Procedure Law Seminar: "The Urgency of Strengthening Justice Access in Criminal Procedure Law in Anticipation of the Implementation of the National Criminal Code
BING_ALG Regional Paralegal Exchange
The Regional Paralegal Exchange event "Spotlight on Paralegals: Empowering Communities, Exchanging Stories, Building Solidarity"
Capacity Building Training for Advocates on Law Number 12 Year 2022 on Sexual Violence Crimes
Transition Planning_Ing
Advocacy strategy for open government in Indonesia during the transition of national government