
Our Activities

After the TPKS Law, What are the Legal Implications for Perpetrators of Sexual Violence?

On Thursday, April 25th, 2024, Marsha Maharani, representing the researchers of IJRS, participated as one of the speakers in a webinar titled “After the TPKS Law, What are the Legal Implications for Perpetrators of Sexual Violence?” organized by The Indonesian Institute.

In this webinar, Marsha presented the research findings of IJRS regarding the factors contributing to sentencing disparities in sexual violence cases, along with recommendations for refining the criminal code codification system, strengthening the Supreme Court chamber system to uphold decision consistency, and drafting sentencing guidelines post the TPKS Law and the New KUHP.

🖥:  Watch the webinar again at the following link:


Other Activities:

National Criminal Procedure Law Seminar: "The Urgency of Strengthening Justice Access in Criminal Procedure Law in Anticipation of the Implementation of the National Criminal Code
BING_ALG Regional Paralegal Exchange
The Regional Paralegal Exchange event "Spotlight on Paralegals: Empowering Communities, Exchanging Stories, Building Solidarity"
High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships 2024 (HLF MSP 2024)
Capacity Building Training for Advocates on Law Number 12 Year 2022 on Sexual Violence Crimes