
Results of the Study of the Implementation of PERMA 3/2017 in 5 SPPT-PKKTP Regional Partners: Riau Islands, Central Kalimantan, DKI Jakarta, Central Java and Maluku


Tim penulis:
Siti Aminah Tardi
Hayati Setia Inten
Arinta Dea Dini Singgi

Tim diskusi:
Ajeng Gandini
Annisa Irianti Ridwan
Arinta Dhea Dini Singgi
Arsa Ilmi Budiarti
Bestha Inatsan Ashilla
Dio Ashar Wicaksana,
Hayati Setia Inten
Maria Isabel Tarigan
Maria Ulfah
Meyriza Violyta
Muhammad Rizaldi Warneri
Siti Aminah
Sondang Irene Erisandy
Tiasri Wiandani
Veni Siregar

Year Published :

Book Specifications :

21 x 29,7 cm


The issuance of Supreme Court Regulation Number 3 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for Trying Women’s Cases in Conflict with the Law is a bright spot for victims amidst stagnant efforts to reform criminal procedural law. PERMA 3/2017 is one of the steps to accelerate the integration of the Integrated Criminal Justice System for Handling Cases of Violence against Women (SPPT-PKKTP) in criminal justice procedural law and ensures that there is no discrimination based on gender in judicial practice in Indonesia.

This regulation is in line with Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 1984 concerning Ratification of the Convention Concerning the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights, and the Bangkok General Guidelines for Judges in Applying a Gender Perspective in Southeast Asia as well as other laws and regulations related to judicial and court powers.

After 4 years since its publication, Komnas Perempuan considers it important to conduct a study of the extent to which the Regulation of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2017 is implemented – as an integral part of efforts to accelerate the integration of SPPT-PKKTP in criminal justice procedural law and ensure that there is no discrimination based on gender in judicial practice in Indonesia. Specifically, this study aims to describe and explain how the socialization of PERMA Number 3 of 2017 was carried out and how the contents of PERMA were implemented from the perspective of judges and assistants in five SPPT-PKKTP implementation areas, namely Riau Islands, Central Kalimantan, DKI Jakarta, Central Java, and Maluku.

This study was first published by the National Commission on Violence Against Women (only in Bahasa Indonesia) at: sppt-pkktp-riau-archipelago-central-kalimantan-dki-jakarta-central-java-and-maluku


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