
Kebutuhan Anggaran Bantuan Hukum yang Berperspektif Kelompok Rentan


  • IJRS: Arsa Ilmi Budiarti, Gladys Nadya Arianto, Muhammad Rizaldi Warneri, Dio Ashar Wicaksana
  • Asosiasi LBH Apik Indonesia: Khotimun Sutanti, Febda Risha
  • PBHI: Gina Sabrina, Nur Ilman, Fatin Yumna
  • YLBHI: Arif Maulana, Abdul Malik Akdom

Year Published :

Book Specifications :

21 cm


This study was prepared in principle to obtain complete information about the legal aid budgeting scheme and a real picture of the needs and obstacles in the use of the legal aid budget for both litigation and non-litigation legal aid in several regions in Indonesia. It is hoped that through this study a thorough, factual and systematic understanding of the budgetary needs for providing legal aid for legal aid providers and how the right budget mechanism can be used so that legal aid funds are in accordance with real needs so as to strengthen legal aid budget policies, especially those with the perspective of vulnerable groups and become the basis or the right document in changes related to the amount of legal aid costs in Indonesia.

This study aims to:
1. Identify the budget needs for providing legal aid in general and to vulnerable groups.
2. Identify the challenges in the process and mechanism of using the current legal aid budget
3. Provide input and suggestions on the components and amount of the existing budget for the provision of legal aid so that it is more in line with the needs and perspectives of vulnerable groups.


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