
Institutional Framework in the Law Enforcement Process and Criminal Justice System in Indonesia


Tanti Dian Ruhama, S.H., M.H.,
Dian Widyaningrum, S.H.,
Adery Ardhan Saputro, S.H., LL.M.,
Dio Ashar Wicaksana, S.H., M.A.,
Matheus N. Siagian, S.H.,
Mulki Shader, S.H., LL.M.,
Rima Ameilia, M.Krim,
Meyriza Violyta, S.H.,
Josua Satria Collins, S.H.

Year Published :


Book Specifications :

17,6 x 25 cm


This research was published by the Directorate of Law and Regulation of Bappenas RI, where the IJRS researcher contributed as an author in this study.

This study aims to map the problems of criminal policy making in Indonesia. The results of this study can contribute to becoming input for stakeholders, academics, and researchers in formulating regulatory and institutional criminal policies.

(This publication only available in Bahasa Indonesia)


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