
Research Report

Access to Justice Index in Indonesia 2019


Dio Ashar Wicaksana,
Erwin Natosmal Oemar,
Siti RakhmaMary Herwati,
Choky Risda Ramadhan,
Nanda Oktaviani,
Arsa Ilmi Budiarti,
Muhammad Rizaldi Warneri,
Muhammad Indra Lesmana,
M. Rizky Yudha Prawira,
Yanose Syahni,
Era Purnama Sari,
Tommy Albert Tobing,
Niccolo Attar,
Jane Aileen Tedjaseputra,
Alfindra Primaldhi,

Year Published :


Book Specifications :

17,6 x 25 cm


Measurement of the Access to Justice Index in 2019 is an activity carried out by the Indonesia Judicial Research Society (IJRS) which is part of the Civil Society Consortium for Access to Justice together with the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) and the Indonesian Legal Roundtable (ILR). This activity was carried out with Bappenas RI to find out how the conditions of access to justice in Indonesia are. This index is the first index in Asia that comprehensively measures access to justice. It is hoped that this index can be used as a reference for evidence-based policy formulation or reform in order to support access to justice for all. In its advocacy, this index has succeeded in becoming one of the targets in the indicators for achieving the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Goal 16.3.3, so regular efforts to measure and implement the results of the index need to be made.


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