
Wiwiek Awiati, S.H., M.Hum.


Wiwiek Awiati, commonly called Mbak Wiwiek, is a graduate of the Undergraduate and Postgraduate programs from the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (FHUI). In addition, Mbba Wiwiek also had the opportunity to take a summer program at the University of Wisconsin Law School and visiting professor at Harvard Law School.

During her career, Mbak Wiwiek has been active in civil society activities. She has served as the Director of the Indonesian Center for Environmental Law (ICEL), on the National Board of WALHI, as Chief of the Board of the TiFA Foundation, and currently serves as a member of the Executive Board of ICEL.

Mbak Wiwiek has also been actively involved as a coordinator in the Supreme Court Reform team of the Republic of Indonesia since 2004. Since 2010, she has been appointed as an advisor to the team and continues in that role.
Mbak Wiwiek is active as a lecturer in Environmental Law, Environmental Law Clinic, Dispute Resolution, Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution Clinic, and Street Law Clinic at FHUI.


  • Contributor pada buku Searching for Success in Judicial Reform diterbitkan oleh Diterbitkan oleh Oxford University Press (2009)
  • Membuka Ruang Menjembatani Kesenjangan : gambaran akses informasi , partisipasi dan keadilan lingkungan di Indonesia (2006)
  • Negosiasi dan Mediasi dalam Mediasi dan Perdamaian, Mahkamah Agung RI, Jakarta (2004)
  • Mensinergikan Kekuatan Masyarakat Sipil dalam Penegakan Hukum Lingkungan (2003)
  • Conflict Transformation pada jurnal Bahan Pelatihan Hukum ADR, Indonesian Center for Environmental Law (2000)