
Board of Trustees Profile

Adery Ardhan Saputro, SH., LL.M

Adery Ardhan Saputro, SH., LL.M


Adery Ardhan Saputro is a law graduate from the Faculty of Law of Universitas Indonesia. He then pursued his Master degree in Transnational Legal Studies at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Adery served as the Deputy Director of Programs at IJRS, where he oversaw Program Managers and Program Officers responsible for institutional operations.

Currently, Adery is an active lecturer at STIH Adhyaksa. In making policies and guidelines, Adery assisted in preparing various regulations relating to case handling, including the latest one: Guideline of the Prosecutor’s Office No. 2 of 2023 on Appropriate Accommodations and Accessible and Inclusive Case Handling for Persons with Disabilities in the Justice System. His involvement in the drafting of Law Number 12 of 2022 on Sexual Violence Offenses leads him into receiving an appreciation from the Presidential Staffs’ Office of the Republic of Indonesia.

Adery is also a member of various Pokja at the Prosecutor’s Office, Supreme Court and Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Kemenkopolhukam), including: Pokja for Access to Justice at the Prosecutor’s Office, Pokja for Women and Children at the Supreme Court, Pokja for Restorative Justice Coordination Team at Kemenkopolhukam, and Poka for Drafting Guideline for Adjudicating and Sentencing Narcotics Offenses at the Supreme Court. These endeavors reflect his interests in Criminal Justice, Prosecutor’s Office, Bureaucracy Reform, and Vulnerable Groups.
