
Legal Needs Survey in Indonesia 2019


Choky Risda Ramadhan, S.H., LL.M.,
Dio Ashar Wicaksana, S.H., M.A.,
Muhammad Rizaldi, S.H., LL.M,
Siska Trisia, S.H.,
Nanda Oktaviani, S.Sos,
Arsa Ilmi, S.Sos

Year Published :


Book Specifications :

17,6 x 25 cm


The legal reform agenda has become one of the priorities of the government of the Republic of Indonesia post-1998 reformation. Changes in institutional structures, laws and regulations and legal services are some examples of legal changes that have been made by the government of the Republic of Indonesia so that the Indonesian people get recognition, guarantee, protection, fair legal certainty and equal treatment before the law, in accordance with the mandate of the amendment to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia


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