Aditya Weriansyah
Aisyah Assyifa
Maidina Rahmawati
Muhammad Ad’har Nasir
Muhammad Rizaldi Warneri
Siti Ismaya
Sri Bayuningsih Praptadina
Aditya Weriansyah
Aisyah Assyifa
Maidina Rahmawati
Muhammad Ad’har Nasir
Muhammad Rizaldi Warneri
Siti Ismaya
Sri Bayuningsih Praptadina
The Indonesia Judicial Research Society (IJRS) with support from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) conducted legal studies and annotations of court decisions aimed at analyzing the application of the PTPPO Law which intersects with several related laws. The intersection in question is between the PTPPO Law and:
1. Criminal acts regarding non-fulfillment of requirements and documents (UU PPMI)
2. Human Smuggling Crime (Immigration Law)
3. Crimes relating to children (Child Protection Law)
4. Criminal Acts Regarding Prostitution/Pimping (KUHP)
(This publication only available in Bahasa Indonesia)