
Our Activities

INLU 2022 : Opening Ceremony and Panel 1

Today we’ve successfully conducted the first panel of INLU 2022 series: The Restorative Justice Approach in Indonesia’s Criminal Justice System to Accommodate Access to Justice for All (September 19, 2022).

The Objectives from the discussion consist :
1. Understanding the framework and scope of the restorative justice approach in Indonesia.
2. Sharing experience and lesson learned from the restorative justice approach in the Netherlands and European countries.

#INLU2022 #KerjasamaIndonesiaBelanda


Other Activities:

Inggris - Bahaya Kawin Anak
Bad Impact of Child Marriage at Different Ages and Child Marriage under the Law on Sexual Violence Crimes
Inggris - Pelatihan Advokat
Capacity Building Training for Advocates on Law No. 12 of 2022 on the Crime of Sexual Violence
Dissemination of Research Findings "Assessment of the Implementation of Prosecutor Guidelines on Handling Narcotics Cases (Guidelines 11/2021 and Guidelines 18/2021) by Prosecutors in the Jurisdiction of the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office"
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Capacity Building Training for Advocates on Law No. 12 of 2022 on the Crime of Sexual Violence