On December 4, 2024, @lbhmasyarakat held a Public Dialogue titled: Drug Policy Reform and the Implementation of Harm Reduction in Indonesia. The event featured various multi-sectoral participants, including:
- Prof. Dr. Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, S.H., M.Hum. (Vice Minister of Law) – Keynote Speaker;
- Albert Wirya (Executive Director of @lbhmasyarakat) – Opening Remarks;
- Drs. H. Adang Daradjatun (Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Commission 3) – Speaker 1;
- YM. Sutarjo, S.H., M.H. (Supreme Court Judge, Criminal Chamber) – Speaker 2;
- Toton Rasyid, S.H., M.H. (Director of Legal Affairs, Deputy for Legal Affairs and Cooperation, BNN) – Speaker 3;
- Maidina Rahmawati (Deputy Director of @ICJR & Member of @JRKN) – Speaker 4; and
- Matheus Nathanael (Program Manager for Criminal Justice Reform at IJRS & Member of @JRKN) – Moderator.
The event addressed several important discussion points, including:
Reconsidering the propaganda of the “war on drugs,” which has proven unsuccessful in creating a healthy and just society in Indonesia.
Criticizing harsh sentencing policies (“tough on crime”) – including the death penalty – in drug-related cases, where punitive approaches have led to prison overcrowding, human rights violations in law enforcement, and disproportionate sentences that create negative stigma and hinder the reintegration process of inmates.
Promoting harm reduction principles in the draft Narcotics & Psychotropic Bill, particularly a non-punitive approach to individuals who use drugs without causing dependency or addiction.
Calling for the abolition of the death penalty and mandatory minimum sentences in drug-related cases.
To watch the live streaming (recording), please visit the LBHM YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/dialog-kebijakan-narkotika