
Our Activities

National Criminal Procedure Law Seminar: “The Urgency of Strengthening Justice Access in Criminal Procedure Law in Anticipation of the Implementation of the National Criminal Code

On September 5, 2024, Ismaya (IJRS Researcher) and Aditya (IJRS Researcher) had the opportunity to be speakers at the National Criminal Procedure Law Seminar with the theme “The Urgency of Strengthening Justice Access in Criminal Procedure Law in Anticipation of the Implementation of the National Criminal Code” held at The Westin Jakarta. The seminar was organized by The Asia Foundation (TAF) in collaboration with the Asosiasi Pengajar Hukum Pidana dan Kriminologi (ASPERHUPIKI).

The goals of this National Seminar were to:

  1. Publicize the successes of advocacy in strengthening justice access within the Criminal Justice System achieved by TAF’s partners.
  2. Increase awareness among academics, legal practitioners, and the general public regarding issues of advocacy for strengthening justice access within the Criminal Justice System; and
  3. Mobilize public participation as part of social control on issues related to strengthening justice access within the Criminal Justice System.


During the seminar, Aditya (IJRS Researcher) had the opportunity to be a speaker in the Plenary Session. In his presentation, Aditya discussed IJRS’s research on the Renewal of Criminal Procedure Law after the Enactment of the Criminal Code 2023. Meanwhile, Ismaya (IJRS Researcher) had the opportunity to speak in the Parallel Session. Ismaya presented IJRS’s research on the Role of Lawyers in Handling Sexual Violence Crimes.

In addition to being speakers at this seminar, the Indonesia Judicial Research Society (IJRS) also had the opportunity to showcase posters and videos highlighting IJRS’s achievements in advocating for the strengthening of the Criminal Justice System, which is also supported by The Asia Foundation.

You can revisit the discussion on the ASPERHUPIKI YouTube channel: . The discussion begins at minute 1:00:32.


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