
Our Activities

Advocacy strategy for open government in Indonesia during the transition of national government

On August 26-27, 2024, the Steering Committee of the Civil Society Organization Open Government Indonesia (SC OMS OGI) held a workshop on the planning of advocacy strategies for the openness of the Indonesian government during the transition of the national government (transition planning workshop). IJRS was supported by the European Union and Open Government Partnership Support Unit and involved members of SC OMS OGI including IJRS, ICW (@sahabaticw), Transparency International Indonesia (@tiindonesia), WVI (@wahanavisi_id), INFID (@infid_id), Perludem (@perludem), PWYP (@pwypindonesia), and ICEL (@icel_indo).

On the first day, Monday, August 26, 2024, the OGI CSO SC discussed mapping the opportunities and challenges of Indonesian government openness in the next government using the foresight method. Furthermore, on the second day, Tuesday, August 27, 2024, the OMS OGI SC discussed civil society advocacy strategies related to government openness in Indonesia during the national government transition.

Open Government Partnership (OGP) is an initiative of countries in the world to realize transparent, accountable, participatory, and inclusive government by involving civil society in policy making through co-creation. As one of the founding countries of OGP, Indonesia needs to ensure the sustainability of its commitment to OGP implementation through the implementation of action plans as well as strengthening the regulations and institutions of Open Government Indonesia during the next administration. Therefore, this transition planning workshop was organized to map out the advocacy strategy of OGP CSOs in Indonesia in the next government.  


Other Activities:

Koalisi 18_Ing
IJRS selected as coordinator for the 18+ Coalition
Collaborative Dialogue: Advancing Legal Data Ecosystem to Strengthen Criminal Justice System
Penghargaan Kumham_Ing
Inauguration of Village/Legal Aware Village Appreciated by Panselda & Paralegal Justice Award
Urgency of the Draft Bill on Elimination of Discrimination: Accelerating HIV-AIDS Response in Indonesia