
Kegiatan Kami

Towards People-Centred Justice: Advancing Collaboration with Data in Southeast Asia

In 22-26 May 2023, Knowledge Manager IJRS and Researcher of MaPPI FHUI, Arsa Ilmi Budiarti, had the opportunity to join the 32nd session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) in Vienna, Austria. This event is a collaboration between Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ), World Justice Project (WJP) and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) where TIJ invited IJRS/MaPPI FHUI to attend as participant in the whole event and as speakers in one of the side-event regarding “Towards People-Centred Justice: Advancing Collaboration with Data in Southeast Asia”. In the side event, Arsa together with Dr. Alejandro Ponce (Chief Research Officer WJP), Ast. Professor Thanee Chaiwat (Director of Center for Behavioural and Experimental Economics, Chulalongkorn Univ.), and Kanravee Kittayarak (TIJ) discuss the access to justice and rule of law measurement in Asia-Pacific. Arsa presented the work of Indonesia’s Access to Justice Index measurement as one of the best practices in Asia and became the reference for future people-centered justice data measurement to be encouraged as evidence to reform policy.


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