
Asean Justice Innovation Network

As one of the civil society organizations that ceaselessly innovated to encourage better access to justice for all, IJRS got the opportunity to be invited to the ASEAN Justice Innovation Forum 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand in the last 16-18 August 2023, organized by Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ) and World Justice Project (WJP)

IJRS also presented the Indonesian Access to Justice as one of Indonesia’s innovations in providing evidence and people-centered data for access to justice efforts. Together with many innovators throughout ASEAN that came from academia, donors, governments, and private sectors, IJRS was also able to share the journey of access to justice measurement in Indonesia to the network. The sharing session then continued to a strategic meeting to develop and encourage commitment to create a better future for the justice sector in ASEAN countries. Together with another representative from Indonesia, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights – National Law Development Agency, the ASEAN Justice Innovators Network was created and will continue the collaborative works to strengthen access to justice achievements.

Let’s look forward to our ASEAN Justice Innovations booklet and report for further information on access to justice efforts in ASEAN countries!


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